Terms & Conditions
Leasing Terms & Conditions
Key Facts
You should only enter into a finance agreement if you are totally comfortable that you are able to afford the monthly payments and financial commitment.
Basic Product Information
Within our organisation, there are a number of finance options we are able to provide:
- Personal Contract Purchase
- Hire Purchase
- Lease Purchase
- Business Contract Purchase
- Finance Lease
- Business Contract Hire (BCH)
- Personal Contract Hire (PCH)
It is important that in making the decision you are aware of all finance options we have available (some of which may not be applicable in your particular circumstances) and have relevant information on the options available. Further information on the types of finance options we are able to offer can be obtained from organisations such as the Finance and Leasing Association or the Money Advice Service. Please ensure you read your agreement in full for specific terms and conditions before signing.
Based on the information we have provided and your requirements, you have considered your options and decided that contract type displayed on your order best suits your needs.
Contract Term
Your agreement is a fixed term, fixed mileage lease agreement. The vehicle should be suitable for your needs for the full term of the agreement.
Vehicle ownership
During the lease the vehicle will be owned by and registered to the finance company. You will not own the car at the end of the lease, there is no option to purchase.
Road Fund Licence (Vehicle Excise Duty)
Road Fund Licence is included for the full duration of the lease term (BCH and PCH only) at the published rate on the day the contract is signed. However, if rates increase or the vehicle subsequently attracts a different rate for any reason whatsoever, any excess will become chargeable. The taxable list price is indicative at the point of order, the price of the vehicle may change for tax purposes even if price protected. Expensive vehicle road tax will apply if the vehicle taxable list price exceeds £40000.
Maintenance and Servicing
You have the option to include maintenance, servicing, and tyre replacement costs in your monthly rentals. This provides peace of mind, as it covers routine maintenance and servicing expenses and additional features such as breakdown cover. Maintenance package inclusions can vary, please contact your account manager for details.
If you do not opt to add a maintenance package you will be responsible for all costs to ensure that the vehicle is serviced and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer and finance company’s guidelines, whilst the vehicle is in your care.
You are responsible for ensuring the vehicle is covered by comprehensive motor insurance until it is returned to the leasing company. You should inform your motor insurance company that the vehicle is subject to a lease and that your leasing company is the legal owner.
End of Lease/Damage recharge
The vehicle will not be automatically collected by the leasing company at the end of the lease term. To arrange a suitable collection date and time, you are advised to contact the leasing company at least 7 working days before the lease expires. Rental payments must be paid until the vehicle is collected. You'll need to ensure the car is in good condition and within the agreed mileage limit to avoid any additional charges. A comprehensive guide to the condition a vehicle should be returned in can be found in the BVRLA fair wear and tear guide.
Excess Mileage Charges
Your lease contract will be based upon a previously agreed annual mileage. In the event this is exceeded, excess mileage charges will apply. These can vary from each leasing/finance company. Any charges relating to excess mileage on your requested contract will be provided in advance for your approval on your quotes and order.
Early Termination
In the event of an early termination of a contract hire agreement, there are likely to be early termination charges payable. This will be a figure charged by the respective leasing company in relation to terminating the contract mid-term and collecting the respective vehicle. In this event you can request this figure in writing. The early termination figure will not negate any pro-rata excess mileage charges to that point, or damage rectification costs.
Terms and Conditions
Who are Rivervale?
Rivervale Cars Limited - registered in England where our Company registration number is 4898201.
Rivervale Minibus Limited - registered in England where our Company registration number is 3723474.
Our company VAT number is 429 276 374.
We also trade as; Rivervale, Rivervale Leasing, Rivervale Vehicle Contracts, Rivervale Contracts, Rivervale Contract Hire and Leasing, Rivervale Cars Prestige, Rivervale Cars, Business Car Contracts, Rivervale Fleet Management, Rivervale Fleet, Rivervale Prestige, Rivervale Minibus, Rivervale Finance, Rivervale Performance Motorcentre, Rivervale Approved Used, Rivervale Maxus, Castle Vehicle Leasing, Castle Minibus, OSV and 1st Choice Vehicle Finance.
Use of the Rivervale website
This website is owned and managed by Rivervale, whose primary place of business is Rivervale House, 50 Victoria Road, Portslade, Brighton, East Sussex, BN41 1XB. Our website is subject to these Terms & Conditions.
By accessing and using our website, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by our Terms & Conditions. Such use constitutes acceptance of these Terms & Conditions, thereby establishing a legally binding agreement between you and Rivervale.
In the event that you proceed to order a vehicle through Rivervale Cars Limited or Rivervale Minibus Limited, you will be required to expressly accept our Terms & Conditions as part of the ordering process.
Should you disagree with any part of our Terms & Conditions, you must immediately cease all use of the Rivervale website.
We reserve the right, at any time to change our Terms & Conditions which will become effective immediately upon posting to the website. Any use of ‘us’ ‘our’ and ‘we’ means Rivervale. Any use of ‘you’ means the user of the website.
To contact us at any point, telephone our customer service team at 01273 433480 or email info@rivervale.co.uk
Information on Our Website
All IP (Intellectual Property) rights relating to any website text or information, any design within the website, source code, software and all other material relating to our website are owned by Rivervale unless acknowledged by us.
You are not permitted to alter, reproduce, or copy any of the content of our website without explicit prior consent from us.
At no point does any information found in our Terms & Conditions constitute an agreement to copy or use any of the information found on our website.
Any website is vulnerable to vandalism and as such we do not accept any responsibility for any information shown because of this sort of action.
Basis of contract
In addition to these Terms and Conditions the confirmation of any order will also be subject to you agreeing to and providing signed copies of the following additional documents:
- Key Facts
- Funders Lease Agreement
- Direct Debit Mandate
- Any other third party terms and conditions that may be required and notified to you from time to time
Vehicle Specifications and Information
All vehicle specifications and information presented on our website are provided by vehicle manufacturers to CAP (a third party) and subsequently adapted by us for display on our website. While we endeavour to ensure the accuracy of all information, it should be regarded as indicative only. Customers are advised not to solely rely on this information for making decisions regarding the hire, lease, or purchase of a vehicle, but should instead verify the details with the manufacturer or a franchised dealership directly.
Rivervale disclaims all liability for any inaccuracies in the information available on the website and will not be held responsible for any loss or damage resulting from reliance on information contained on our website.
Manufacturers reserve the right to change the specification of a vehicle order due to model year changes or component shortages. Rivervale cannot accept liability or offer compensation for any changes in specification that may arise after the order has been placed.
Any images shown or used on our website are for illustration purposes only.
Rivervale reserve the right to change any information shown on the website without prior notice.
Some diesel vehicles will be fitted with a Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF). Please click here to view further information to ensure that a vehicle fitted with a DPF meets your requirements.
Technical data on the website for Electric Vehicles (EV’s) is the WLTP data provided via the vehicle manufacturer to CAP. Please be aware that data such as “vehicle range” may be impacted by weather conditions and driving style. Rivervale accept no liability for variances in actual performance from the manufacturers stated data. Independent research should be conducted prior to deciding to lease an EV.
Please note that the CO2 and P11D values shown / quoted are intended as a guide and are subject to changes by the manufacturer and / or additional options added to the vehicle. The CO2 figure shown is based on data provided by the manufacturer for the basic model of the vehicle. It is essential to be aware that if the CO2 figure changes, it can also impact the Benefit in Kind (BIK) tax and Vehicle Excise Duty (VED) payable for the vehicle. All CO2 figures and associated information, including BIK tax and VED, are offered solely for informational purposes. Cars with a P11D value exceeding £40,000 at the point of registration will be subject to additional VED charges. If the P11D value increases to over £40,000 between order and delivery, this will affect your contract charges, which will be adjusted and passed on to you.
Plug in Hybrid Vehicles (PHEV) – Vehicle Benefit in Kind (BiK) can depend on the zero-emission range of a plug-in hybrid vehicle. Please speak to your account manager or check the respective manufacturer’s website if you require further clarification.
Prices Shown
Business leasing prices shown exclude VAT.
Personal leasing prices shown include VAT.
Rivervale reserve the right to change the price of any vehicle at any point, before or after an order has been submitted. We will always notify you of any increase and give you the right to withdraw your order in such a situation.
All prices shown on the website are for illustration purposes only and are not an offer to you. We will supply you with a correct quotation at time of ordering for acceptance by you.
A deposit may be required by you prior to acceptance of your order. Cancellation of an order may result in charges by Rivervale and may result in loss of your deposit / processing fee. Rivervale Minibus Limited does not charge cancellation fees.
Should the rate of VAT change at any point between the acceptance of an order by Rivervale and the termination of your lease, monthly rentals will be adjusted accordingly.
We reserve the right to alter website rentals in line with money costs (interest rate fluctuations), manufacturer's price changes and any residual value and maintenance budget reviews which take place from time to time.
Acceptance of an order is subject to final credit approval with the designated finance house, and to you completing all documents required in connection with this transaction.
Calculations and data may also be subject to data error and / or occasional human error.
Unless otherwise stated, all advertised prices include:
- Road Fund Licence (VED) for the entire agreement at CURRENT rate (if applicable). If the road tax costs alter during the agreement, then the finance house will make a credit / debit adjustment to your account.
- Driven delivery from the franchised dealer to your chosen UK mainland delivery address. If your delivery address incurs any additional delivery costs, Rivervale reserve the right to charge these on to you. We will inform you of any such charges prior to delivery.
- Vehicle Number Plates
- DVLA Vehicle Registration Charges
Processing Fees
Rivervale Cars Limited charge a £219 + VAT Processing Fee for each order. This fee is charged for arranging the delivery of your vehicle and fulfilment of your order. Confirmation of this fee will be detailed on your vehicle order form. Rivervale Cars Limited does not charge processing fees for used vehicle purchases.
Rivervale Minibus Limited does not charge any processing fees.
Customer Order Price Protection (COPP)
Once a vehicle order is placed and contracted in the customer’s name with the respective manufacturer, most manufacturers will offer COPP. This will ensure that based on extended delivery timescales, the order will not be subject to any further price increases or rental changes once contracts have been completed. However, there are certain manufacturers who do NOT offer COPP, and therefore should the vehicle be subject to a price increase whilst awaiting the vehicle to be built (or in some cases be built as a revised model year specification), this cost will be passed on to the customer and the lease rental requoted. Alternatively, you will be able to cancel the vehicle order without cost in these instances. Manufacturers who offer COPP can change on a regular basis, so please speak to your account manager for any further clarification required.
Commission Disclosure
Rivervale Cars Limited and Rivervale Minibus Limited operate as independent leasing brokers and used vehicle retailers. We are brokers not lenders. We do not provide independent financial advice.
We will receive a commission and / or quality derived bonus for introducing you to one of our panel of leasing companies or finance providers. The commission we receive may be pre-set but can vary and will impact the amount payable by the customer.
Vehicle Orders
An order submitted by you to us is an acceptance for us to obtain the ordered vehicle at the price agreed.
Following an initial application, you will give us permission to carry out a credit check on you or your company. If you have applied on behalf of a company, you will be agreeing that you have permission to grant us authority to credit search the company. Once an application has been approved an order will be created for you to view and accept.
Your order gives us permission to search for and acquire the requested vehicle in the correct specification, colour and price agreed. You must enter into a financial agreement with the relevant leasing / finance company. You are not committed to any such lease until the leasing / finance agreement has been signed by you and executed by the leasing / finance company.
We have the right to cancel any such order should the required vehicle be unobtainable, or an offer discontinued.
Customer Obligations and Requirement
To fulfil our regulatory due diligence obligations, we require proof of identification and residential address. This can include, but is not limited to, a copy of a valid driving license, utility bills, or bank statements. Delivery cannot proceed until the necessary identity verification checks have been completed. Subject to our prior written consent, should someone other than the hirer take delivery, we will also require proof of identity for the person signing for the vehicle.
You shall ensure that all terms of the order are complete and accurate and hereby agree to co-operate with us and provide us with all such information or materials as we may require from time to time in order to carry out the services.
You hereby agree that you will be responsible for and will adhere at all times to any requirements or obligations required of you by any third party providing goods or services to you including but not limited to any lease provider or manufacturer.
Registration and Delivery
Upon receipt of any correctly completed financial documents, proofs and any applicable payments, Rivervale will arrange free of charge delivery (driven) of your chosen vehicle to your chosen UK Mainland delivery address.
Except where we may agree otherwise in writing, any delivery shall only be made to the address provided on your identification or proposal documents. Should you require delivery to be made to any other address we will be entitled to charge such additional fees as may be required to carry out any additional searches to authorise the address. You shall also be liable for any third party fees that may arise due to any such delay caused due to insufficient proof of delivery address.
If your delivery address incurs any additional delivery costs (for example Northern Ireland), Rivervale reserve the right to charge these on to you. We will inform you of any such charges prior to delivery.
All vehicles are driven from the Franchised Dealer to your chosen delivery address. Should you require the vehicle to be transported (on a trailer / transporter) you will need to request this. An additional charge will be incurred from this which will be charged onto you once agreed.
Initial delivery dates and lead times are estimates only and we are not bound by any dates quoted. Any delivery date can be subject to change by the relevant manufacturer and Rivervale has no influence over such dates. We will not accept any losses or damages incurred by any such delay by a manufacturer or any other Event outside our Control.
Please be aware that any compulsory ‘cooling off’ periods are enforced by the leasing / finance companies and Rivervale will not deliver a vehicle until such ‘cooling off’ period has expired. We will inform you of this date prior to booking a delivery date.
Any vehicle subject to a lease or financial agreement may require proof of insurance before a delivery can take place. Please be aware that the insurance certificate must show the hirer / purchaser as the main policy holder.
Should you fail to take delivery at the agreed date you shall be subject to any additional delivery fees that may be incurred for the Franchised Dealer to attempt a re-delivery.
Delivery will be complete at the point where you have examined the vehicle and signed any delivery form, if necessary, as may be required by the Franchised Dealer. You must make note at the time of delivery of any damage or scratches to the vehicle.
Some of our offers may be based on PRE-REGISTERED vehicles. Where a vehicle is pre-registered it is offered with the balance of manufacturer’s warranty from the actual date the vehicle was registered. In some instances, this may be shorter than the length of your chosen lease contract. The manufacturers recommended service schedule also begins from the date of first registration and therefore a pre-registered vehicle may require additional servicing.
No international delivery
Unfortunately, we do not deliver to addresses outside the UK.
You may place an order for Goods from outside the UK, but this order must be for delivery to an address in the UK.
Cancellation of our services
Consumers (Personal customers)
If you cancel your order in writing within 14 days of placing the order, then your processing fee will be refunded. After 14 days there will be no refund payable.
Should you cancel your order after 14 days, Rivervale Cars Limited will also charge a cancellation fee of £360 including VAT.
Business customers
The 14-day cancellation right does not apply to transactions conducted by a business, including sole traders, partnerships, limited companies, or limited liability partnerships. In the event of cancellation by you, the processing fee will not be refunded, and we will charge a cancellation fee of £300 plus VAT.
In the event of an order being cancelled by us, for example, whereby we are unable to fulfil the order, the processing fee will be refunded by Rivervale Cars Limited. Likewise, in the event of cancellation due to an unreasonable delay to the vehicle arrival due to circumstances outside the control of Rivervale, no cancellation fee will be charged.
Rivervale Minibus Limited do not charge cancellation fees.
Any cancellation by either party shall also be subject to any provision of the lease or finance agreement as well as any other terms that may be in place with a manufacturer.
Data Protection
“Data Protection Legislation” means all applicable data protection and privacy legislation in force from time to time in the UK including the UK GDPR; the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA 2018) (and regulations made thereunder) and the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations 2003 (SI 2003/2426) as amended.
We are committed to keeping your personal data secure and confidential. Throughout your contract with us we will comply with all applicable requirements of the Data Protection Legislation.
You hereby grant us permission to process any personal data in connection with the performance by us of our obligations under this contract such as carrying out any fraud prevention checks and sharing such information with insurers, lease agents, vehicle manufacturers and any other service providers as may be necessary.
Please see our Privacy Policy for more information on how your data is used, shared and retained:
Our liability: your attention is particularly drawn to this clause
References to liability in this agreement include every kind of liability arising under or in connection with the Contract including but not limited to liability in contract, tort (including negligence), misrepresentation, restitution or otherwise.
We only supply the Goods for internal use and you agree not to use the Goods for any resale purposes.
You hereby warrant and agree that we will not be liable for any issues that may arise with the vehicle nor anything else that may arise with the manufacturer or lease provider. Any issues shall remain the third parties sole responsibility in respect of any breach that may occur.
Nothing in these Terms limits or excludes our liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence; fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; breach of the terms implied by section 12 of the Sale of Goods Act 1979 (title and quiet possession); or any other liability that cannot be limited or excluded by law.
Subject to the above, our total liability to you for all losses arising under or in connection with the Contract will in no circumstances exceed the total amount paid to us by you under these terms and conditions.
Events outside our control
We will not be liable or responsible for any failure to perform, or delay in performance of, any of our obligations under the Contract that is caused by any act or event beyond our reasonable control (Event Outside Our Control).
If an Event Outside Our Control takes place that affects the performance of our obligations under the Contract we will contact you as soon as reasonably possible to notify you and our obligations under the Contract will be suspended and the time for performance of our obligations will be extended for the duration of the Event Outside Our Control. Where the Event Outside Our Control affects our delivery of Goods to you, we will arrange a new delivery date with you after the Event Outside Our Control is over.
You may cancel the Contract where delivery of the Goods is affected by an Event Outside Our Control which has continued for more than 30 days. To cancel please contact us.
Assignment and transfer. We may assign or transfer our rights and obligations under the Contract to another entity. You may only assign or transfer your rights or your obligations under the Contract to another person if we agree in writing.
Variation. Any variation of the Contract only has effect if it is in writing and signed by you and us (or our respective authorised representatives).
Waiver. If we do not insist that you perform any of your obligations under the Contract, or if we do not exercise our rights or remedies against you, or if we delay in doing so, that will not mean that we have waived our rights or remedies against you or that you do not have to comply with those obligations. If we do waive any rights or remedies, we will only do so in writing, and that will not mean that we will automatically waive any right or remedy related to any later default by you.
Severance. Each paragraph of these Terms operates separately. If any court or relevant authority decides that any of them is unlawful or unenforceable, the remaining paragraphs will remain in full force and effect.
Governing law and jurisdiction. The Contract is governed by English law and you, and we each irrevocably agree to submit all disputes arising out of or in connection with the Contract to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.
Complaints Procedure
It is our aim to provide an extremely high standard of service to every client that we have. It is very important that any complaint you may have is directly sent to us as soon as possible so that we can work to resolve the problem in an agreeable fashion.
If you have any kind of complaint, please either contact us in writing via our complaints portal with the following information:
- Full name and contact information
- Your agreement details
- Full details of your complaint
- What you would like us to do to help the situation
- Copies of any relevant paperwork
Please contact us with your complaint: complaints@rivervale.co.uk